Wayfarings of Sabit: Schedule Change

Having just wrapped up my seventh month of every weekday flash fiction, I am changing the format of Wayfarings of Sabit. I will be posting Sabit chapters twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. The first chapter of the new story will post on Monday, June 5. I will still shape chapters into discrete stories, … Read more

Sisterhood of the Lioness: Twenty-Three

The sadness in Meriama’s eyes was as deep as the inky reaches of the boundless sea. Forcing herself to speak loud enough for all to hear, she said, “Sabit, you have struck down a fellow Sister. Justice must be done. You have offered no defense. There must be a fitting consequence.” The crowd awaited her … Read more

Sisterhood of the Lioness: Twenty-Two

The assembled crowd jeered as Sabit admitted her guilt. Chants arouse from angry throats, calling for her blood. Dessine, the chief hunter, had been well-loved. Many would rather see the Sisterhood itself crumble to dust than to see her killer go unpunished. Meriama raised her good hand high, appealing to the crowd for silence. When … Read more

Sisterhood of the Lioness: Twenty-One

Sabit, bound hand and foot, was hauled before the assembled Sisterhood. The hunters of the Pride on either side shoved her forward, eager to get their blows in where they might. Sabit’s killing of Dessine, chief hunter of the Pride, burned fresh and hot in their hearts. They drove Sabit through rows of refugees, their … Read more

Sisterhood of the Lioness: Twenty

For a moment, Sabit perched atop of the wall dividing the Pride’s inner courtyard from the larger outer enclosure used by the entire Sisterhood. At the far side of the crowded space, she saw Dessine making her way quickly toward Meriama’s private hut. The chief hunter held one hand on the bloody head wound she … Read more

Sisterhood of the Lioness: Nineteen

At Dessine’s orders, the hunters of the Pride drew their blades, glinting with death. In their eyes, Sabit could see each of them close their heart to her, as they closed ranks with each other. Two dozen of the Sisterhood’s finest warriors now stood between Sabit and her quarry—Dessine’s look of proud defiance mocking Sabit … Read more