Victorian Vampire Slayer
Thinking out loud about a Victorian age Buffy the Vampire Slayer game using the Mouse Guard rules over here.
Thinking out loud about a Victorian age Buffy the Vampire Slayer game using the Mouse Guard rules over here.
We’re back from Ubercon 2009. It was a great, low-stress convention. Well, low-stress once we managed to find the place! New Jersey traffic patterns were as inscrutable as ever. Friday night, I ran Mouse Guard for four great players. One had read the game, but it hadn’t quite clicked in his head. Two were very … Read more
Well, now that the nasty stomach bug I picked up on Sunday (the only bad thing about Dreamation 2009) is finally behind me, I can recap my con experience.
I’ve got the proof of Serial Homicide Unit in my hands. It needs a few tweaks, but on the whole, it looks good. We won’t be able to ship physical copies before the end of the year, but January 15 looks VERY likely. Yay! Preorders will open in the next week. There was lots of … Read more