Grappling with 4th Edition–Part 1
So, we’ve been playing a lot of 4th edition. I mean A LOT. Something like twelve sessions in the last eight weeks. For someone who hadn’t played an RPG at home for something like six months, and only sporadically for more than a year before that, this is is a whiplash-inducing change of pace. I’ve … Read more
Protected: Happy Birthday to me!
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Halloween 2008
It’s that time of year again. We did our annual Halloween party & pumpkin carving night. It actually falls on Halloween.
Ubercon Fall 2008
I went to Ubercon in Piscataway, NJ this past Saturday. Due to some scheduling issues, Kat stayed home and I went to this one solo. I drove out early Saturday morning and came home late Saturday night. In between there was much gaming and laughter. The day kicked off with enormous hurt! I ran Mechaton … Read more
If all my friends jumped off a bridge…
… I would evidently play D&D 4th edition with them on the way down. I gotta admit that being an “indie guy” playing the most commercial RPG out there, gives me little twinges of feeling like a sellout. But, it’s very much a “System Matters” game, to its core. Plus, fun play is better than … Read more
An interesting quote
I was reading an editorial by the former publisher of the National Review endorsing Barack Obama. It was interesting. But this is not a political post. He quoted someone I must admit I’d never previously heard of (but has an interesting Wikipedia entry): “Every great cause,” Eric Hoffer wrote, “begins as a movement, becomes a … Read more
The Voice of the Future
The Serial Homicide Unit playtest period is closed. Thanks to all of you who requested playtest materials, whether you playtested or not. My most extreme gratitude to those who playtested the game and gave us greatly useful feedback. Serial Homicide Unit will be a far better game because of it. It will also be a … Read more
CleaverCon 2008
This past weekend Kat and I traveled south of the Mason-Dixon for a little get-together called Cleavercon. Dave Cleaver’s birthday is coming up, so he threw himself a game day. It was a good day, and I like the gameday/birthday party idea. Hmmm, I have a birthday coming up in the fall…