Foresworn Confessions — Week Nine

Another week without progress. Last week I said that the foster care system had been treating us like a yo-yo. This week the string broke and the yo-yo shattered on the ground. We’re not going to be able to adopt the little girl we expected to. We were stunned and depressed and game design seemed such a small, insignificant thing this week.

Forgive me, Foresworn, for I am sad. It’s been one week since my last confession.

This news hit on Thursday, so Friday found us in absolutely no shape to go to Camp Nerdly, so we didn’t. Hope everyone had fun.

Sometimes I can find solace from my real life problems in my game design. Other times (like now) my RL stuff robs me of the focus I need in order to do game design. The focus will return in time, I know. And thanks to these weekly Confessions, I’m sure it will return to this game, taking it the next step. Because I’ll still be here in 7.

4 thoughts on “Foresworn Confessions — Week Nine”

  1. Man that sucks. I don’t know what to say other than that other than to say that DHR (pretty much everywhere I’ve ever encountered them) has some seriously weird stuff going on.

  2. Man that sucks. I don’t know what to say other than that other than to say that DHR (pretty much everywhere I’ve ever encountered them) has some seriously weird stuff going on.

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