A Pain in the Foot
Got zapped with another flare-up of gout. Very painful. It’s been 2 years since my first attack. I’ve been reacting to stress poorly for a while now, including sliding off my low-meat diet. Now I pay the price.
Origins 2007 — Pack Mule of the Revolution
Origins was, as always, a really great time.
By The Stars — the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs — Week Forty-Six
Things are changing faster than my pitiful blogging skills can keep up with. Here’s the quick and dirty summary. * Last Sunday we playtested the new turn structure. For the most part, it works well. It makes the game feel more of a table-top and less of a LARP. With just a few tweaks, I … Read more
It’s Thursday and I logged 44 hours at work this week. Luckily, that’s the last workday this week. And next. I’ve got TEN DAYS OFF!!! We’ll be camping, so e-mail response, etc. will be spotty. Call me if anything’s urgent!
By The Stars — CryoSleep — Week Forty-Two
Week 42. The answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. Ten weeks shy of a year. And I’ve barely touched the game in the last month. Game development tends to go in cycles for me: a few weeks or even months of intense activity, followed by a few weeks of doldrums. The latest doldrums have … Read more
By The Stars — Paused — Week Forty
It’s been a less than stellar week for By The Stars. Due to real life stesses on many people’s parts, there was no playtest this past weekend. Carl and Bill came over and we discussed a possible turn structure, why it might work, and how it might be set up. We’ll try again on June … Read more
By The Stars — “Your faith in your friends is your [undoing].” — Week Thirty-Nine
Okay, time for a consolidation and restatement of my design goals for By The Stars: 1) A game that takes players from “I’ve never heard of this game, but I’ll play” to “That was great! It was my best game of the con” in 4 hours or less. 2) A game that drives and rewards players … Read more