
I took Foresworn’s resolution system for a little spin with Kat and Michele last night. It was … insightful.

The parts I thought would be fun weren’t. There was a tiny glimmer of potential fun in a part I never suspected. The whole thing crashed and burned in less than an hour. For an initial playtest, it was very productive. That’s what initial playtests are supposed to do.

But it certainly wasn’t “fun.”

Afterward I figured I commisserate w/ Luke over IM. Luke never lets one rest in self-criticism or resignation, though. Within he had me writing a mission statement for my game without realizing I was writing a mission statement. Tricksy abzu!

So, with regard to preparing the game for release at Origins, I’m in really, really good shape. I have continually reinvigorated purpose. I’ve discovered some ideas that don’t work and some ideas that might work with more development. This is a good place to be.

However, with regard to running the scheduled game at Southern Exposure this Saturday, I’ve got nothin’! No way am I going to be able to cobble this together into something that will entertain a group of strangers for four hours. But I’ve committed to run and I’m not about to throw in the towel and quit! So what do I do?

I cheat, that’s what. I grab an already-designed-and-published game, write up a scenario for some of my setting ideas, and run that. I’ll tell any players that “Foresworn isn’t ready for playtest, but I’ve prepped this other game to run instead.”

My first instinct is TSoY, due to its similarity of tone, but I’ve never actually run nor played it, just read it. I’ll go with something I know a little better: Sorcerer. Humanity = Idealism. Demons = Pragmatists, things of the world. I’m sure I’ll learn a great deal by adapting my character concepts to Sorcerer in any case.

4 thoughts on “Lessons”

  1. Very nice idea. Wish I was somehow available to come see you guys there. Zack’s bugging to go to a con. I joked that I might have to loan him to a family that actually goes to cons more than once a year.

  2. Very nice idea. Wish I was somehow available to come see you guys there. Zack’s bugging to go to a con. I joked that I might have to loan him to a family that actually goes to cons more than once a year.

  3. Mike, my sincerist apologies but these issues are entirely my fault. You see, this would have all worked out just fine if I had been able to go to Southern Exposure this weekend. I made every attempt to do so and money and planning just didn’t pan out for us. As such, in lieu of me being bitter that I would no longer be able to do the things I was so looking forward to (and in the wake of missing such great events as the upcoming Camp Nerdly Zero, the newest Gotham Gaming Guild series and this past GenCon) I decided to place a curse on Southern Exposure. It was a curse or boredom so none would have anything cool to say about it in my absence.
    Petty and childish, yes. but these things are ultimatley all about me, right?
    make the most of your weekend,

  4. Mike, my sincerist apologies but these issues are entirely my fault. You see, this would have all worked out just fine if I had been able to go to Southern Exposure this weekend. I made every attempt to do so and money and planning just didn’t pan out for us. As such, in lieu of me being bitter that I would no longer be able to do the things I was so looking forward to (and in the wake of missing such great events as the upcoming Camp Nerdly Zero, the newest Gotham Gaming Guild series and this past GenCon) I decided to place a curse on Southern Exposure. It was a curse or boredom so none would have anything cool to say about it in my absence.
    Petty and childish, yes. but these things are ultimatley all about me, right?
    make the most of your weekend,

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