Metatopia was great! The entire Double Exposure staff did a great job handling a record number of events and attendees. Personally, I really enjoyed not having to playtest any games all weekend.
Instead, I got to be a tortured anime super soldier in Russell Collins’s Project Wingspan; a well-dressed angel hunter in Miguel Espinoza’s Nahuales; the backstabbing good twin of a very bad man in Brandon Leon-Gambetta’s Pasions de las Passiones; the proprietor of a storefront necromancy school in Rob Deobald’s The City Afterlife; and an aspiring YouTube star in a dysfunctional political dynasty in Justin Rogers’s Family Without Values.
More than that, I listened to some great panels and even spoke on one about the Forge. I had so many great conversations throughout the weekend, renewing old friendships and forging new ones. It was an excellent way to spend my birthday weekend and I thank everyone who was a part of it!