“One rebellious slave does not spoil the lot, your grace,” said Heguir, head lowered before the plump older man. The bandage on his chin sported a broad, red spot at its center. Nearby stood cowering Rayshabu, two bandaged bodyguards, and Heguir’s daughter. The girl looked small in a woman’s dress, her large, dark eyes taking in every detail of her father’s groveling. “Slaves are not like apples. That wretched princess has been disciplined harshly. The rest will cower all the more when they know what suffering has been visited upon the back of one so high-born as she.”
Before the older man could respond to the flesh merchant’s sniveling, Qaansoole rounded the corner, carrying a coil of rope. She knelt low before Heguir, the rope barely brushing the ground. “Heguir! I have finished your task. The princess has been taught her place.”
“Well done, my good and faithful servant,” Heguir turned from the woman to face the well-dressed man. He held his spine straighter, a glimmer of confidence returning to his eye. “You see, your grace? A minor problem, easily rectified—”
With a sudden movement, Qaansoole hurled the rope upward. An open loop encircled the nearest bodyguard. With a yank, she pulled it tight, trapping the man’s arms against his sides. He toppled to the ground like a spilled mug of beer.
Before his fellow could draw his bronze blade, Sabit appeared. She leapt and kicked the guard in the throat. He collapsed, gurgling.
Heguir rifled through the charms hanging from his neck, hands shaking. Sabit and Qaansoole each held a broad, bronze blade, taken from the bodyguards. Shoulder-to-shoulder, they stepped toward the flesh merchant.
With a terrified shriek, Heguir held up two silver charms, one in each hand. Qaansoole let out a sob of terror and collapsed to the ground, hugging her knees. Sabit’s breathing descended into a panicked panting, her knees knocking together as the sword fell from her trembling fingers.
“No ransom is worth this,” Heguir said, hs voice high and tight with panic. “I don’t care who your friends are. Or your enemies! You die tonight! No one is so powerful that they can defy Heguir in his own home!”
Behind Heguir, Rayshabu drew a dagger from the belt of one of the unmoving bodyguards. Sabit looked to the girl but could not catch her eye.
Standing, Rayshabu said. “They wanted me to betray you, Heguir. They came to me in paradise and invited me to join in their mutiny. I told them I would,” turning the dagger, she offered its handle to Heguir, “and they believed me.”
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Photo by Luděk Maděryč from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/metal-chain-in-grayscale-and-closeup-photo-86733/
Wayfarings of Sabit: Chains is copyright (c) 2018 by Michael S. Miller. All rights reserved. New chapters post every Thursday (and the occasional Monday). You can support this and other stories on Patreon: https://patreon.com/michaelsmiller Find more sword and sorcery fiction at http://ipressgames.com/fiction/.