Isle of the Wicked: Eleven

A strange party they made. Melcior led the way through the maze of towering, claustrophobic Wicked Rocks. The tall, thin captain wore a tunic of smooth cloth, tattered at its hem by the harshness of the island, its embroidery spoilt by twigs and mud. Melcior’s brain buzzed with plans and concerns. Would the newcomers embrace Batuul as he and Sabit had? Would Sabit defend them if they refused? How much food would be diverted from his crew and the faithful into the newcomers’ bellies? Was their faith worth the cost of letting them live? Was this man lifted from the sea a rival for Sabit’s devotion?
Allamu followed, the pole bearing the boar carcass on his shoulder. The man from Urom tried to track their progress through the maze of boulders. Just when he thought he knew where they were, another twist in the passage left him bewildered. How could Sabit not sense the wrongness in this place? What could Allamu do to show her the danger? Surely a way to get Sabit away from these zealots would present itself soon. Surely!
Sabit bore the back end of the boar-pole with powerful strides of her long legs. Part of her longed to speak further with Allamu about the priest, but she knew words were not a weapon she wielded well. If her sudden faith were a dagger, Sabit would have known how to turn its blade and slash its bloody message into Allamu’s heart. But her words could say only what had happened, not why it had come to pass.
At the rear of the procession, Wensa took care to step on no trace of the boar’s blood. Such disrespect to the animal’s life was to be avoided in the best of times. Within the stony embrace of the Wicked Rocks, it was imperative. She had been a fool to allow the sea’s blessing to get to this evil place, among these evil people. Wensa steeled herself for the trials that were sure to come.
Together, the four walked deeper into the heart of the Wicked Rocks.

Wayfarings of Sabit: Isle of the Wicked is copyright (c) 2016 by Michael S. Miller. All rights reserved. New chapters post every weekday. You can support this and other stories on Patreon: